
About Brother Dave

Brother Dave Kenneally has been practicing mindfulness for over twenty years. A former Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps AND a former Buddhist Monk in the tradition of the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, he seems to have a penchant for shaving his head and wearing a uniform. Or perhaps it’s his love of service. After spending six years living in Buddhist Monasteries and Practice Centers, he now resides in San Diego, CA and travels the world teaching mindfulness. 

Dave is a Certified Teacher of the Search Inside Yourself Program, a course in mindfulness, neuroscience, and emotional intelligence, designed at Google for the corporate setting. He has experience teaching mindfulness to a wide variety of populations including business leaders, teachers, yoga instructors, social workers, cancer patients and their families, teens, and military veterans. He has helped facilitate programs from New York City to Anchorage, Alaska and everywhere in between.

As an Ordained member of the late Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing, Brother Dave believes that all of us can use the tools of mindfulness to live fuller, happier lives right now.

He likes to say that he spent all those years training in monasteries so you don’t have to.