Welcome to FACTx 24’
SELF. SANGHA. SOCIETY. First we must establish ourselves in our mindfulness. Not in some pie-in-the-sky, “perfect” way, because that’s not available. Rather, in a fully human way, warts and all, stumbling forward and sliding back. Learning and growing from each trial and triumph.
We come together to truly know ourselves. Ironic and counter-intuitive. But we need the mirror of other people to gain a bit of perspective on who/what we really are. The nose cannot smell itself! The Sangha gives us energy, protection, support, and safety. REFUGE. This helps us to find our own Path.
This Path leads us back to our Interbeing nature, which is to say it leads us to everyone else. Very naturally our gifts step forward into the limelight and next actions start to unfold. Soon we are helping make the world more beautiful everywhere we go. Thich Nhat Hanh called it ENGAGED BUDDHISM.
“We don’t need any more Buddhists, we need more PRACTITIONERS.”
—Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Resources for self-study
READ this Sangha Handbook that some dedicated folks put together in 2012. It’s great, and chock full of useful information, especially if you facilitate in the Plum Village Tradition: https://thichnhathanhfoundation.org/sangha-building-resources?fbclid=IwAR3RumbGOiOJmeFSgWfeXwYP-iFW3eG9_NFp2hIwqrw9VffQbWSoPn5aYFs
WATCH these videos I made on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness. If mindfulness is a table, these are its four legs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLErG_r3VNqHx3w2EYu84fgn6h9fmUA4uR
DOWNLOAD the FREE Plum Village App. Meditations, talks, and more: https://plumvillage.org/mindfulness/mindful-apps
PRINT these Community (Dharma) Sharing Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gL1cr-i_XoLSq58fwhGLL4B2RucnyhqOnN-ZGQlCCT8/edit?usp=sharing
Awakening of the Heart is Thich Nhat Hanh’s selection of “Dharma Greatest Hits”. You tellin’ me you don’t want to read that?! 😉 Start with The Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, pg.99. It’s as close as I’ve found to a set of instructions. https://www.parallax.org/product/awakening-of-the-heart/
Happy Teachers Change the World is a practical guide with over a dozen science backed mindfulness exercises and how to lead them. If you are leading mindfulness for groups in any setting, you want this book! https://www.parallax.org/product/happy-teachers-change-the-world/
Full Catastrophe Living is the brain child of Jon Kabat-Zinn, a molecular biologist who became one of the West’s premier mindfulness teachers. It’s overflowing with secular insights and instructions. Perfect if you want to introduce mindfulness without using any “Buddhist” language. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41016873-full-catastrophe-living
Come practice with us!
Sangha Ocean Beach is a Community of Mindfulness in the tradition of the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We meet EVERY SUNDAY via Zoom from 5-6pm PST / 8-9pm EST. Join us, and please spread the word, beginners are ALWAYS welcome. Don’t skip THIS resource!
There is no training like DOING!
Join us for a Quarterly gathering to learn and share around the trials and triumphs of facilitating mindfulness for others. Whatever your setting, from a classroom, to a boardroom, to a Sangha in the Tradition of the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, facilitating is just as rewarding as it is challenging. Our next meeting is Saturday, July 27th from 10:00am - 11am PST / 1:00 - 2pm EST. $20 Suggested Donation.
We do it together. Spread the word!
Meeting ID: 840 8726 8977
Passcode: wegotthis
Please share this widely.
I make these workshops out of love for my Teacher.
The resources and videos are offered freely. 🙏🏼